Newington College


Each year we produce a number of print and digital publications with news and updates about our College, staff and students.

The NC

The NC (formerly News) is a biannual publication featuring news articles and stories from staff, students and members of the Newington community across all our campuses.

The latest edition of the The NC explores the 158-year-old relationship between Newington College and Tupou College, introduces the College’s first ever Director of Co-education and provides updates from our new campus at Eungai Creek – amongst much more.


At the beginning of each year, the College compiles a summary of all the latest HSC and IB results from the previous year’s graduating class. Read all about our high achievers and what they have in mind for the future by clicking on the editions below.

Special publications

Each year, students across a range of years at Newington College have the opportunity to submit their best works of prose, art and literature from the year to New Enigma.