Newington College

Registration and Enrolment

Registration and Enrolment

What you Need to Know to Apply

We are delighted you are considering Newington College for your child. We are proud to have provided students with exceptional educational opportunities for over 160 years and look forward to beginning this journey with you.

If you wish to place your child on the waitlist at Newington College, submitting an application is the first step in the enrolment process. A non-refundable and non-transferable fee, currently $300.00 AUD per child, is required at the time of submitting an application.

After your online application has been processed, a letter of acknowledgment is sent from the College. The Admissions office will send communications via email to inform you of what’s happening at the College, including opportunities to attend campus tours and advise when it’s time to commence admissions activities for formal intake years.

The Admissions Process

We aim to make the admissions process as smooth as possible and encourage you to read through the Admissions Frequently Asked Questions before you begin the application process.

Application for Enrolment

A non-refundable and non-transferable fee, currently $300.00 AUD per child, is required at the time of first application. Before applying, please make note of the age requirements for entry.

Admissions Activities

Pending availability of places, families will be invited to attend admissions activities.

Offer of Place or Waitlist

After attending an interview, families are notified in writing with either an offer of enrolment or advised that they have been placed on a waitlist.


If families choose to accept the offer of a place, they are required to read and accept the relevant Conditions of Enrolment, sign the relevant Enrolment Agreement, and pay the relevant Enrolment Fee.

ELC 3 and 4 -year-old program

Your child must turn three years of age before 31 March in the calendar year of commencement for the 3-year-old program or four years of age before 31 March for the 4-year-old program.

When children are enrolled in the ELC, they are enrolled at Newington College and will have the opportunity to continue to Kindergarten at one of our Preparatory schools – subject to an admissions interview with a senior member of our Preparatory School staff.

Enrolment interviews for enrolment at the ELC commence approximately 9 months prior to entry.

If families choose to accept the offer of a place at the ELC, they are required to read and accept the sign the ELC Conditions of Enrolment and pay a refundable and transferable Enrolment Fee, currently set at $2,000.00 AUD.

Kindergarten, Year 5  and Year 7

Enrolment interviews are an important component of the application process. Due to the high demand for places, unfortunately, it is not possible to interview all applicants.

Factors used for selection include date of registration, Old Newingtonian affiliation, current siblings attending the College, reports reflecting good engagement, effort and behaviour and other information you provide showing your child’s character and capacity to thrive at Newington.

Interviews for enrolment commence approximately 1 year prior to entry for Kindergarten, 18 months prior to entry for Year 5 (mid Year 3) and 2.5 years prior to entry for Year 7 (mid Year 4).

If families choose to accept the offer of a place, they are required to read and accept the Conditions of Enrolment, sign the Enrolment Agreement and pay a non-refundable and non-transferable Enrolment Fee, currently set at $5,000.00 AUD by the expiry date listed on the letter, or else the offer will lapse.

Overseas students (FFPOS): Day students are required to pay an additional $3,100.00 AUD bond and Boarding students an additional bond of $1,200.00 AUD. These amounts are refundable after the student leaves the College.

Admissions for Old Newingtonians

The College recognises the valuable contribution to our community made by inter-generational family connection. More information about the basis on which offers are made can be found in Admissions FAQs.


Newington College respects your right to Privacy and is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988. In relation to health records, the College is also bound by the New South Wales Health Privacy Principles contained in the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (Health Records Act). Newington Privacy Policy sets out how the College manages personal information provided to or collected by it and is posted on this website.

Update Your Details

It is essential the Admissions Office is kept updated with current contact details for each parent. If at any stage of the admissions process we are unable to make contact, we will be unable to progress further with the registration and your child’s position on the waitlist may be jeopardised.

Contact Us

Should you have further enquiries or wish to discuss specific enrolment opportunities for your child, please contact our Director of Admissions, Ms Susannah Zweep.