Vision, Strategy and Governance
Our Vision
The future is an exciting and challenging place for our students in a variety of ways. From the future of work to the future of truth, to the future of humanity and the planet.
What do students need to navigate the future and be the best versions of themselves? There are key skills and character traits that we need to teach them to thrive in the future. Skills such as critical thinking, ethics, communication and creativity, plus soft skills like courage, integrity and curiosity.

So, we focus on each student developing a Great Heart (courage, integrity and kindness), Inspired Mind (curious, open minded and rigorous), and Strong Wings (Critical thinking, Communication and Creativity) in all that we do – our classes, our sports fields, service learning and our outdoor programs.
The challenge is that traditional schooling (Maths, English, Sport etc) is organised differently, so we need to make sure that these skills and character traits are intertwined into traditional subjects and activities.
Great Hearts, Inspired Minds and Strong Wings is our bedrock vision for each and every student. The Strategic Plan, including the upcoming 2025-2027 plan, give effect to this.
Strategic Plan 2020-2024
Newington College is fortunate to have excellent staff, a strong community and rigorous academic, pastoral and co-curricular programs.
The Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 builds upon the beliefs developed by the pioneers of the College. It takes stock of what we do for our students, identifies what we really want for (and from) each of them, and offers plans to make it happen. It also reflects on the vital role of staff. We hope this combination will make our students fit for the future that will define their adult lives.
* The strategic plan for 2025 – 2027 will be available by the end of February.

The College, in its current form, was created by an Act of the NSW Parliament in 1922, which gave rise to a stand-alone, incorporated school, while also enshrining the unique traditions of the partnerships that drive the modern Newington College today.
The Council includes in its responsibilities the need to:
- Work with the Headmaster and their team
- Preserve our traditions and unique culture
- Shape the strategic direction of the College, in the context of an ever-changing environment
- Manage the risks associated with any school
- Maintain a watching brief over the delivery of the chosen strategy.
Ours is a “skills-based” Council. We determine what skills we need to remain restless and to act on that restlessness, working our partnerships to identify and attract people with particular skills from all required areas, including those with a “fresh eyes” approach.
The Council are drawn from a wide cross-section of our community. They are the trustees of our school and are here to assist the Headmaster and staff. The Newington College Council supports the Headmaster in executing the College’s vision, mission and values.
They are:
- Old Newingtonians
- Members of the Uniting Church
- Past and current parents
- As well as, people with no prior, direct connection to the College

The Annual Report
Newington College maintains the relevant data and complies with reporting requirements of the NSW Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning and the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. This data is published in an Annual Report and includes public disclosure of the educational and financial performance measures and policies of the school as required.
Part of the GPS
Newington is a member school of the Great Public Schools (GPS), an association of boys’ schools in New South Wales that share common interests, ethics, educational philosophy and compete against each other in sporting events
The GPS was formed on 30 March 1892, and today has nine members – eight Sydney schools and The Armidale School, a country boarding school.

Report a Concern
The safety and wellbeing of our students is Newington College’s paramount and most fundamental concern.
It is important that we know about any behaviour that students, Old Newingtonians, or employees feel is wrong or inappropriate. We use Whispli to help our students and employees submit information anonymously about instances involving inappropriate, unprofessional, or criminal behaviour.