Newington College


Enquiries regarding fees or accounts should be directed to the Finance Department on 02 9568 9333 (international callers dial +61 2 9568 9333).

Fee schedule – Preparatory and Secondary schools

While it is expected that there will be no change to the Fee Schedule during the course of the year, Council reserves the right to make alterations, in the event of unforeseen substantial changes in costs.

Years 1-2$24,444
Years 3–4$28,116
Years 5–6$33,012

Years 7-8   $38,835
Year 9   $41,247
Year 10   $41,346
Years 11-12   $42,201

Boarding Fees$33,651 (including a GST component)
Boarder’s Amenity Fee$595
Newington Challenge (NC)$650
Year 11 and 12 Cadets and NC$950

Fee Schedule – Early Learning Centre

The Early learning Centre Fee is $166 per day.

The daily fee includes supply of morning tea, afternoon tea and late afternoon supper. Lunch is not included as children are required to bring packed lunches from home.

Make a payment now

Making a payment is easy with our Westpac-operated Online Payment portal.

Fees for brothers

When brothers are attending the College at the same time, the eldest is charged full fees with a: 10% reduction for the second brother; 15% reduction for the third brother; 25% reduction for the fourth and subsequent brothers (except when provision for a bursary or scholarship applies).

Other Fees

When a student is registered for possible future enrolment, a Registration Fee of $300 (incl. GST) is payable. This amount is not refundable.

non-refundable Enrolment Fee of $5000 is payable before a student’s enrolment can be confirmed. Boarding students are also required to pay a refundable deposit of $1000.

Full Fee Paying Overseas Students (FFPOS)

The enrolment fee is required by the College before an enrolment can be confirmed. Enrolment fees have a non-refundable component of $5000. The balance of $1,200 is refundable. Please note that any unpaid charges will be deducted from the refundable portion. In addition to the Registration Fee, Enrolment Fee, Annual Tuition Fee and Boarding Fee (if applicable), international students will be charged:

Enrolment Fee (day student)$6,200
Enrolment Fee (boarding student)$8,100
Overseas Student Health Coverset by the Australian Government
HSC Fee for Year 12 studentsset by the Australian Government
FFPOS fee$6,678 per annum

When Parents Relocate from Australia

If parents of Overseas Students with Temporary or Special Residence leave Australia, their children will be treated as FFPOS. They will need to pay an extra $1,200 Enrolment Fee for each day boy or an extra $3,100 Enrolment Fee for each boarder. These payments are refundable after a student leaves the College and the fee account is settled.

Educational expenses including tuition are generally exempt from GST. The College reserves the right to charge GST for goods and services provided where exemptions do not apply.

Annual tuition fees will cover up to $1000 of the net cost to the College for TVET and NSW School of Languages courses when the course is taken as part of a student’s normal curriculum. TVET courses are currently supported by funding from the AIS. This funding is not guaranteed, but, if received, will be applied to reduce the net cost of TVET courses.

In addition to the tuition fees, an excursion and amenities levy for Years K–6 is charged to cover excursions and activities. The levy does not cover school camps and overnight excursions which will be charged separately, if applicable. This charge varies depending on the activities conducted by the Preparatory School. It will be included in the first invoice of the school year.

In appropriate circumstances, the College may agree to credit up to 50% of tuition fees where a students is absent for four weeks or more at a time because of illness or injury. Any request for such a credit should be directed to the Chief Financial Officer and should be accompanied by a medical certificate. Final determination of any such request will be at the discretion of the Headmaster.

Subject to the next clause, a full term’s notice must be given in writing to the Head of Campus before any student is withdrawn or before their status is changed from boarder to day student. The notice must be given before the first day of the student’s last full term. If this notice is not given, a terms’ fees will be charged and, if the student is a boarder, a quarter year’s boarding fee will be charged. This amount is a genuine pre-estimate by the College of the loss that it would suffer if the required notice is not provided.

Two terms’ notice must be given in writing to the Head of Campus before any current Year 6 student is withdrawn after the beginning of Term 2. The notice must be given before the first day of the student’s second last full term. If this notice is not given, two terms’ fees will be charged. This amount is a genuine pre-estimate by the College of the loss that it would suffer if the required notice is not provided.

An annual levy per family (as determined by the P&F) will be billed in April. The 2024 levy is $70.

Payment of Accounts

The College will issue all fees in nine monthly instalments from January to September (inclusive). Invoices will be issued on the 7th of each month and payment is due on the 16th of that month, or the next business day where the 16th falls on a weekend or public holiday. If applicable, the FFPOS fee will be charged on the January invoice.

The College’s preferred method of paying fees is by direct debit from a nominated credit card or bank account. Other options of payment available are cheque, BPay, Credit Card (MasterCard, Visa and American Express via the College website). Please note the College’s Finance Department cannot process payments over the phone. Payment by credit card will attract a 1% surcharge.

Late payment may incur an Administration Fee of $125.

A student’s enrolment may be discontinued if fees remain unpaid. Similarly, a student will not be allowed to participate in a non-compulsory school event (such as a tour) unless tuition fees have been paid.