Newington College

Child safeguarding and policies

The College regards its child safety and protection responsibilities with the utmost importance.

Our commitment to safeguarding

Newington College is a child safe organisation, committed to providing education and care to children and young people to assist them to develop into high-achieving, supported students, positively connected to each other and to the
communities in which they live and which they will serve.

The College regards its child safety and protection responsibilities with the utmost importance, and as such is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations to maintain safe and supportive College physical and online environments for all children and young people.

Staff, students and parents

Critical to this is our partnership between families/carers, students and staff, with each playing an important role in our child safe organisation.

We provide information to enable our students, their families/carers and our staff to understand their roles and the contribution they make to Safeguarding at Newington. This includes information about:

  • our policies and procedures
  • learning resources
  • available support
  • how to provide feedback or raise concerns
  • how we approach governance and reporting in the area of safeguarding

Prospective Staff

Newington College prides itself on being a child safe organisation – focused on preventing and acting on harm to children. All our students have a right to feel and be safe and our people play a key role in this important work.

The College has robust recruitment practices in place. We select people to join our team who share our commitment to child safety and are suitable for working with children.

Once employed by us, our people receive regular learning, feedback and support, enabling them to do their jobs effectively. They are supported to keep our students safe and are part of our culture of continuous learning and improvement.   



At Newington College, our policies and procedures are an important component of our approach to safeguarding. Our policies and procedures establish responsibilities in regard to safeguarding and clarify the expectations we have of our staff, volunteers, parents, carers and students to prevent and respond to issues relating to child safety.