30 January 2025
From the Head of the ELC
Dear Parents and Carers,
A warm welcome to Newington ELC as we commence the first school term of 2025. It has been a pleasure welcoming our new families and reconnecting with our existing families over the past weeks.
We have had a great start with all the children smoothly and happily settling into the start of their 2025 learning journey. Whether the year commenced for your child as a new member or an existing member, I have no doubt the firm foundations we lay now will ground the children in their sense of belonging as a cohort as they gradually grow within our nurturing community.
We are excited for the year ahead of us as we embark on this journey with you and your children. We hope to build on our vibrant community and look forward to the gathering opportunities throughout the year.
Our ELC curriculum is designed to engage children in a myriad of learning experiences that will enhance their readiness for school, with a focus on developing essential learning dispositions such as curiosity, resilience and collaboration. We aim to foster a love for learning that will last a lifetime.
We believe that education is a partnership between the ELC and families. Your involvement is crucial to your child’s success, and we encourage you to be an active participant in their educational journey. Here are a few ways you can partner with us:
- Stay Informed: Keep up to date with ELC events, activities and your child’s progress through our regular communications.
- Volunteer: Join us for classroom experiences and special events. Your presence and support make a significant difference.
- Communicate: Share your insights and feedback with us. We value your perspective and are here to support you and your child.
- Encourage Learning at Home: Support your child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical development by engaging with your child in meaningful conversations and experiences at home.
Together, we can create a nurturing and stimulating environment that encourages our children to thrive. I look forward to a fantastic year ahead and to working closely with each of you to support your child’s educational journey.
ELC Email Address
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at elc@newington.nsw.edu.au and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

What’s Happening This Term
Morning Drop-offs
It has been wonderful to see most of our Goanna and Eagle class members independently making their way into their classrooms during morning drop-offs. This is a great way to build children’s confidence and independence and prepare them for Kindergarten next year. We request that parents continue to support this preparation by encouraging their child to carry their own bags, say ‘goodbye’ at the reception foyer, and head to their classrooms to attend to their morning routine.
We encourage Possum class parents to do the same as we progress through the first half of the year – saying ‘goodbye’ at the reception foyer and supporting their independence and resilience. Please be assured there will always be an educator to greet your child at the door.
ELC News & Parent Resources
The ELC New Weekly will be emailed to ELC families each week during term time. It will outline important dates and information to note.
Resources for parents can be found on ELC New Spaces.
The New Spaces platform is integral in keeping our community informed, connected and well-coordinated, ensuring smooth and effective communication across all levels.
To best utilise the platform and ensure you have received all communications please visit the Parent ICT Guide page. We have recently added several content pieces to guide your understanding including an overview webinar, ‘New Spaces overview for parents’ and the ‘New Spaces Notifications Quick Guide’.
For further queries please contact the ICT Service Desk.
Please engage with us via Storypark and support the building of community by sharing special moments from home/holidays or memorable occasions. We also encourage you to respond to posts shared by your child’s teachers – individual or group learning stories, and partner with us in celebrating your child’s educational journey. We look forward to reading your thoughts, feedback and any insights you may like to provide.
Specialist Lessons: Music, French and Library
We are pleased to inform you that we will be commencing French specialist lessons this year. Music specialist lessons will continue to be offered at the ELC as always.
Library lessons will commence in Term 2 for the Eagle and Goanna classes. Please ensure library bags are purchased from the uniform shop by the start of Term 2.
Holiday Programs
During Wyvern House term breaks, the ELC provides two weeks of Holiday Program. When there are three weeks of Wyvern term break, the last two weeks will be allocated for the ELC Holiday Program.
The Holiday Program outline for each term break will be available to families a week before the program starts. Children can attend the ELC in their normal clothes and are not required to wear uniforms during this time.
Signing In and Out
Please ensure you sign in and sign out your child each day they attend. If you have delegated pick-ups or drop-offs to a family member or friend and they are on our records, please provide your access details to Xplor sign-in/out. Stephanie at the front desk will be available to assist should they require support.
Lunar New Year Celebration Day Stall

We’re excited to be part of this year’s Lunar New Year Celebration Day at Chatswood! Newington College will have a stall at the festival, and we’d love for you to stop by, say hello.
Whether you’re a current Newington family wanting to know more about co-education or have friends or family who may be curious about our school, come pay us a visit. We’ll be there to chat about all things Newington and the exciting co-education opportunities available at our Prep campuses from 2026.
Newington College Welcome Cocktail Party
All Newington parents from the ELC, Wyvern, Lindfield and Stanmore are warmly invited to the Newington College Welcome Cocktail Party on Friday 21 February 2025. The event will start at 6.30pm on Memorial Drive at Newington College Stanmore.
The event will be a great opportunity to welcome new parents and reconnect with old friends in a relaxed environment on campus. We’re excited and we hope to see you there!
Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased here.
Please direct all enquires to community@newington.nsw.edu.au
Enrolments Are Now Open for 2026 and 2027

We are accepting girls into Kindergarten and Year 5 from 2026 at our Lindfield and Stanmore Prep campuses, and Year 7 and Year 11 at our Senior campus in Stanmore from 2028.
If you are interested in enrolling your daughter, please call our Admissions team on 02 9568 9333
Staff Profile

This week we are profiling Deputy Head of Wyvern (Pastoral & Wellbeing) and Head of Early Years Sandra Gray, who is an important part of our College Leadership Group and a long-serving member of the Wyvern faculty.
Q. What is something people don’t know about you?
A. Many years ago I auditioned and did a screen test to be ‘Ms Sandra,’ the host of Romper Room on Channel 7 (my singing let me down!).
Q. What is one of your best memories of being a student?
A. The friends I made – I am still best friends with the six girls I met on my first day of Kindergarten all these years later.
Q. Did you have a favourite teacher growing up and why?
A. Yes, my Kindergarten teacher as she taught me to read and introduced me to the magic of books.