Newington College

Appointment of Officer Commanding of the Newington College Army Cadet Unit

Appointment of Officer Commanding of the Newington College Army Cadet Unit

Newington College is very pleased to announce that LT (AAC) Aimee Isbister has been appointed as the Officer Commanding of the Newington College Army Cadet Unit (NCACU).

Newington has one of the longest continuously running cadet units in Australia, and we look forward to LT (AAC) Isbister continuing to lead a program that is exciting and varied, providing our students with opportunities to challenge their physical and mental endurance, strength and resilience, and develop teamwork and leadership skills.

LT (AAC) Isbister has been teaching at Newington in our Technology Department for more than three years. During this time, she has been involved with the NCACU as Parade Commander and 21C (Home Training), where she enjoyed the opportunity to ‘develop strong relationships with both staff and students and to grasp those teachable moments that see individual students thrive within the unit’s leadership program.’

In addition, LT (AAC) Isbister has over 20 years working with the Australian Regular Army – most recently as an Education Officer.

Her broad experience, alongside a passion for teaching and knowledge sharing, will be true assets to the program. Speaking of her appointment, LT (AAC) Isbister said, ‘I was inspired by the program’s commitment to fostering a sense of courage, integrity and teamwork, which I believe to be valuable life experiences for these young people.

‘I am very much looking forward to working on enhancing the at-school program, which will greatly impact all camp experiences. I believe it has the potential to make a significant impact by providing guidance and support to new cadets, helping them develop their skills and confidence.’

LT (AAC) Isbister will be working closely with every member of the NCACU including outgoing Officer Commanding Reverend Geordie Barham, who will continue to be involved in Cadets as an Officer, able to focus more of his attention on his Chaplaincy role.