2020 Tupou College Container Appeal
As part of Newington College’s long relationship with Tupou College in Tonga, we are again launching the Tupou College Container appeal.
This initiative has been extremely successful in the past and we are now in the process of collecting resources to fill the 15th x 20 foot container since 2010. We are asking for donations from the community sent to Tupou College to help improve the lives of the students and community members.
The container has been partially-filled, and additional items are needed to fill the remaining space (see below for suggestions).
Students may drop off donations in the designated cupboard in Fletcher House locker room. Members of the community may donate items during school opening hours (8am – 4pm – Monday-Friday). For more information or to arrange drop-off of larger donations directly to the container, please email Cameron Quince.
What’s Needed
Teaching Resources
Tupou College is under-resourced in comparison to Newington College. Their “wish list” includes:
- ESL Resources (English as a Second Language) Books, Video’s, Audio Tapes related to learning to speak and read English (no “one-off” novels please – text books & novels that were set text for Newington students only please)
- USB’s for Tupou College Students
- Calculators (solar powered is best)
- Whiteboards & whiteboard markers in a range of colours
- Coloured A4 photocopy paper
- Year 5 Naplan (from any recent year) for Reading, Writing and Language Skills. Both Stimulus and Question books – hard copy booklets are also needed
- Class sets or single copies of Newington boys Textbooks
- Stationary
- School chairs (there has been an influx of enrolments this year)
- Class Sets of Textbooks! If you know of any teachers that might need to offload class sets from schools, we would love to send them over to our colleagues. WE are specifically targeting:
Core subjects
- English – Stages 4 &5
- Maths – Stages 4 &5
- Science – Stages 4 &5
- History – Stages 4 &5
- Geography – Stages 4 &5
- PDHPE – Stages 4 &5
- Music – Stage 4 Mandatory
- Visual Arts – Stage 4 Mandatory
- Technology – Stage 4 Mandatory
- Language (Japanese) – Stage 4 Mandatory
Elective courses (Stage 5):
- Music
- Business Studies
- Agriculture Science
- Computing
- Design and Technology
These will be well utilised by staff and their children to get around the farm. In good working order and no rusty bikes, please!
Agricultural Resources
The boys farm their own food in the Boarding House at Tupou College. Resources will be donated to the ‘Newington College Food Bowl’ a school-run initiative that collects items and raises money so Tupou College is better placed to supply their students with nutritious foods, resulting in an increased quality of daily life. In July, a group of 30 Newington boys will be in Tonga to help our brothers at Tupou to cultivate the Newington Food Bowl, a four-acre paddock on the school property that we hope to make pig proof and maintain well into the future.
- Hoes, Forks, Mattocks, Shovels, Rakes etc.
- Secateurs
- Garden hoses with fittings
- Vegetable gardening books
- Wheelbarrows
- Backpack spray guns (for herbicide & fungicides)
- Machete’s
- Gardening Gloves
- Farm gates
- Star pickets
Any tool that could be used in a school construction/ woodwork workshop or on a farm will be much appreciated.
IT Equipment.
To improve the IT facilities at Tupou College, we want to send functional:
- Laptops less than 4 years old
- iPads
- VGA to HDMI adapters (and visa versa)
- HDMI cables
- Digital Cameras
- Desktop Computers less than 4 Years old
- Data Projectors (with Bulbs!)
- External Hard Drives & USB’s
“Women’s Group” Catering/ domestic resources.
The Women’s Group at Tupou College caters for large functions (including for The Royal Family) & they need:
- Serving Platters & Baking Trays
- Utensils
- Glasses (sets, not singular items. No wine glasses please)
- Knives
- Any kitchen equipment will be appreciated.
- Bolts of cloth
- Sewing equipment
- Domestic appliances
- Chest Freezer – the bigger, the better!
Pre-school Resources
- Children’s books
- Playground equipment – robust is best!
- Toys (no plush toys please)
- Catering Gear
Rugby Resources
Any gear in good order will more than likely be useful and appreciated.
- Corner Posts
- Witches Hats
- Rugby Balls
- Kicking Tees
- Clean Rugby Boots
Music Resources
- Instruments & parts (ie. Violin strings etc.)
- Sheet Music